There’s a lot of chatter occurring about Conservatives™️ who endorse and affirm immoral behavior (i.e. immodest dress, lust, sexual deviancy at a lesser degree than leftists, etc). It should not surprise us given that such conservatism long ago left behind any pretense of submitting to the external, objective, moral authority of God.
Conservatism today is merely a political tool. An argument for “lesser” government but not small government. A tool to gain and maintain socio-political power. Therefore, it does not concern itself with actual biblical morality.
And that’s really the key to understanding where we are today. While we bemoan the leftist embrace of all that is anti-God, we sometimes forget that all the left has done is strip away the facade and reveal the sinfulness that is the human heart. They opened the floodgates and encouraged people to pursue degrading passions, to be sure, but they were successful because man is wicked to the core, to begin with.
Conservatism does not equal a sinless heart. Within this movement are the same sin-soaked hearts that desire their own way. Socio-political conservatives might express their sinfulness in different or more restrained ways but their hearts are no less evil. This is why Conservatives™️ are agitated by Christians calling out sinful associations and actions. They, like the left, do not want to be called out for their wickedness.
The Christian cannot change the culture by simply voting conservative. We cannot merely hitch our wagon to a political movement and expect the movement to act in a Christian manner by osmosis. Politics cannot change the sin-hardened heart of man. But, the gospel can.
Christians, now is the time for us to recognize we are little more than a demographic to this movement. They want our votes but do not want our voice. We may have some similar goals but we do not have the same motivations. While we will support and vote for similar agendas (and we should be so engaged), we must be concerned about the hearts and souls of this movement even more.
What good will it be to win an election and yet watch those we co-labored with march proudly into eternal judgment? Yes, we may gain a temporal victory in the moment but the same people whose current behavior we are dismayed by will reap everlasting judgment. Remember that in Christ’s day, the religious leaders were concerned about their power and position. They refused to acknowledge Christ because what they had could be stripped away from them.
Modern Conseratives™️ are likewise concerned with power. We must bring them to the foot of the cross, to stand before the Savior they so desperately need. Be cautious of being unequally yolked with the unregenerate to gain a place of power in the nation. Rather, be consumed with the desire to love the lost who happen to have similar socio-political goals. Their eternal soul has more value than their use in the next election.