We have to get this right. There is a difference between temptation which we struggle against and identifying ourselves with said temptation as though it is part of our makeup.

If I said I was a “lust-attracted Christian” or a “theft-attracted Christian” we easily see the problem. It makes zero sense to identify ourselves by our temptation to sin. So calling one’s self as a “same-sex attracted Christian” makes it possible for someone to hold onto the lie that we are identified by our sexuality.

A Christian can struggle against sexual temptation & still be a Christian. We all struggle against sin daily. But giving sin identity and merging that with the name of Christian is a slap in the face to what Christ did in and for us.

We are no longer the old man. We are new creations. We are no longer slaves to sin. We are slaves to righteousness. We are identified as followers of Christ, serving a new Lord and Master.

Thus, to wed sinful desires to the name of our new Master is an utter contradiction in terms. It is nothing more than an attempt to appease those of the tolerance crowd who have complained the church has been too mean to homosexuals.

So, the wedding of these mutually exclusive terms is an attempt to soften the blow by saying being a homosexual in identity is OK, but acting on it is not. Folks, this needs to stop.

No, we cannot add offense to the gospel for the sake of being offensive. But, the gospel message is in fact offensive to a sin-hardened world. It tells us to reject the sins of our heart and turn to Christ. He is our Lord, He is our Master, and He is our identity.

Let us forsake the merging of the profane with the holy that we might somehow seem more “loving.” Rather, let us in love call out sin and call people to repentance without equivocation.